Can't trust that day....why does that haunting melody ring a bell? It's music, is what it is and music gets down and deep in our spirits and does its work. God created music to do this very thing. Lucifer distorted it and thus began the original counterfeit of God's great and precious gifts, music being one of them. In case you did not know, the archangel, Lucifer was the chief musician.
Now, nothing against the Mommas and the Pappas; they were great in their day. Smooth harmony, "hip" and ever so cool, they could really sing and frankly, they were great marketers as well. They made it "BIG"with their music and now if anyone doubles up on the name of the second day of the week, we immediately recall the song.
Sure enough, can't trust that day, can't really trust anyone, except for the one who can always be trusted: the Lord.
So glad I play songs that cause us to be filled with
a) awe for God
b) joy!
c) gratitude for the one who made us and who made music!
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comments: Robin your music is sooo great! I used to listen to.......but now I won't change the station from your program, it is truly positive. Plus,your encouragement and devotion to God and your fantastic music is helping all of us Detroiters come home from work HAPPY instead of stressed and grumpy. Thanks Robin, you are the best!!!
P.S. I didn't know that christian music could be so cool and upbeat!
MY P.S. check out: "Sunday's Child" oh yeah!!!