Friday, May 29, 2009

Gold Star E-mail!


I was saved November 30th 1985. My 8 year old daughter was saved 11 days later at a play “Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames”.

In early December, we were in the car driving to a friend’s house to have bible study. Both of us babes in Christ. My daughter asked from the back seat, “Mom
does Jesus like me?” I answered, “Oh yes he loves you…….. “ I proceeded to talk and you came on between songs and started telling your listeners how much
we are loved by Jesus. I told my daughter, “See, the lady on the radio is even telling us how much we are loved by Jesus.” You stopped, took a breath, and in
almost a whisper, you said, “Oh yes he likes you too.”

My daughter started laughing, and crying at the same time in the back seat. All excited! It dawned on me, she did ask, “does Jesus “like” her?”

We arrived at our destination and stepped out into the cold, my daughter had her hand over her mouth. I asked, “Why are you covering your mouth?”

She answered, “Jesus is inside me, and I don’t want him to get cold.”

As I grew in the Lord, I realized how God had used you to witness and confirm to my daughter that he heard her, and not only loved her, but indeed he liked her.

Thank you Robin for the blessing you didn’t realize you gave. In one little after thought sentence.

She is 31 now and strong in the Lord still. She grew up to lead worship and even preached in her youth group.

Love in Him,
