Thursday, April 15, 2010

Get wisdom, or be dumb!

Hey sorry that it has been a long time since I communicated with you on the blog. Forgive me. The SVOTW (aka The Scripture Verse of the Week) is from Proverbs 12, verse 1. Here we go: Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.

Imagine! Stupid. What a word! It's a nasty word, a descriptive word, an "in your face" word. I most certainly would not want to be labeled as such...stupid, you kidding me? But I am. No, I am not putting myself down here, I am being honest-to-goodness truthful instead. I resist correction much of the time. Know why? Because I don't want anything to be my fault! I don't want to mess up...and I don't want to take the blame. Although, I am taking the blame right here and right now. He wants me to and whatever God wants, I want.
I am guilty...of so much it makes me want to just sit here and cry. In fact, there are water deposits sitting on the keys right now. (I've been told my eyes tell it all.) They, along with my typing fingers are speaking the truth. I am guilty!!! But I know where to go, Who to talk to, & how to rid myself of my sinful nature: I go to Jesus.
Run, don't walk, to the cross. Let's confess right now and tell Him how sorry we are for our sins/how grateful we are for His amazing gesture of the cross/His faithfulness in washing away the guilt/ how awesome that he throws the horror of our actions and sickening thoughts in a forgetful place. Teach me, oh God!!! Give me the correction, the sooner the better!
I love instruction, I will gain knowledge. I love correction and I am not stupid!