Tuesday, May 11, 2010


How did it happen? Time passed...and again. I see myself in a different light tonight. No, not the light projecting from my computer, as there is no mirror present (grateful). Just really wondering how this time passed. Slowly sometimes, and sometimes with great speed.
Amazing seeing a person in a coffin that I spoke with not that long ago, what? two months. His time on this earth is gone now, his impact remembered dearly by many, especially by his precious family...tears flowing freely, memories so vivid now. Surreal, I know. I think about my own dear Dad and how I wanted the world to stop, because it had stopped as far as I was concerned. Time healed the sharp pain. Now, here I am, with less time than I had 16 years ago. Thank God my life, my time is in His mighty hands. Thank you, Lord for moments and days remembered.
May I live each one yet to come for You and for Your glory. I love You.