She is quiet, but not shy. She is curious, but waits for me to speak. So I do.
"Hi, I'm Robin...is this your dog?"
"Yeah, she's Cookie."
I lean down and laugh saying "I'm pretty sure Cookie would like one!"
Figuring she was about eleven and I asked her name, she said: "Madison."
After I tell her that I really like her name and that I think her dog is sweet , I notice that she leans into me, as if to say, "What else have you got?"
Sooooo I mention the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday and the fact the it's a great time of year and how does she like 5TH grade? and then...she looks at me like there was an assignment on our encounter or something. Which, of course there was:-)
"Madison," I start "I love Thanksgiving, but my favorite is Christmas! How about you?"
She nods, smiling, looking at me intently, so I continue:
"I love Christmas because of Jesus!!! He was born to set us free...forever. He is God's greatest gift, He was born so He could die, so we could live!" I am somewhat animated as I tell her. Smile.
Madison brightens, studying me. Then I tell her square to her face, "Madison, Jesus loves you. He always has and He always will."
The bus rounds the corner, the other kids call to her, her mom looks up and wonders why we have been talking, Cookie is torn~should I go to school or go on a walk or...oh yeah, that's right, I can only go as far as the clothes line permits~
But, as for us, we can go as far as we want....all the way to a side street to share the life changing message of the Gospel.
As I walked away, in the Spirit, I saw an angel clanging a musical triangle, signifying:
NOW Madison knows and the seed will grow.
(Hooray for Madison! It's just a matter of time.)
P.S. I can't wait to see her again and I know I will.