Hey, how ya doin'? Since I last wrote, I have had a brithday.
Silence please.
Man! Does the time ever easily ebb away.....I can't believe the number now next to my name. It is like, "Are you kidding me????? How and when did that ever happen? Who set the clock?"
Okay...you might think this particular number were a page-turner, so to speak. It is not, it's just that I have been in denial.....for years.
How did I become the age of my parents?
Are you laughing yet?
Okay, so regrouping here...there must be benefits to this aging thing. Thinking, thinking...got it! With age comes wisdom, right?
Not!!! But, great news, no matter who you are, no matter what age you might be, I am very happy to report this: you can have wisdom and to attain it, all you have to do is ask for it.
James says that "if anyone lack wisdom (who doesn't? we can be so unbelievably dumb, huh??? Like freaking out because of a number next to our name :-) let him ask God for it (wisdom) and He will give it to us.....like, a huge measure!!! He says: in abundance, liberally!!
God is generous in all ways, isn't He?
Not only will He give me a whole lot of wisdom when I ask for it, but He is obviously also giving me a lot of years to learn how to get it.
Thanks for visiting here and be sure to listen Monday-Saturday 4-7PM.
Feel free to write me with your thoughts at robin@wmuz.com
Scripture reference: James 1: 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.