Dear Robin,
I wanted to say Thank you for speaking the words' the Lord gave you last night at Praise Worship Center. He spoke volumes to me. He allowed me to leave my past, my present and my future at the altar. You dont need to know the details because Jesus does. Thank you for the hug, it felt as if He was holding me himself.
He has shown me through you what He can do with a single person's life that is surrendered to him and daily takes up His cross to follow Him. I want that. I want Him. I want to fall in love with Him. I want an intimacy with Him that i have never had with anyone. I am single and i want Him to be my husband. But more than what I want, HE wants those things for me.
The odd thing is I dont go to church there. I got your email and realized it was across the service drive from my house. He would not let me forget, he kept bringing you to mind. I will be honest I didnt want to go, I sat in the car for 5 minutes fighting with my own fear about going in. I am certainly glad I did.
He is indescribable. I love Him. And you.