Woke up with searing darkness outside today, but turned the light on and voila! A new day, almost Spring and Jesus was waiting for me....put on Laura Story to get me started praising Him...found a spot on the floor for a fervent prayer about a family member...made some coffee...grabbed a cup, snuck up on my favorite chair in the living room...heard my dog snoring in another room (she wasn't ready to get up yet I guess), found an amazing story in 2ND Kings about Naaman and then Gehazi...spoke with Mom, prayed with Mom....she is so fabulous!...got blessed by a couple of friends on the phone...got to share Jesus @ the DRMM and saw Him greet me there...came to work....e-mail, e-mail then found out that it is Kim McMonagle's birthday!!!
Got to press buttons and share Jesus on the air and what a life!
Oh! And when I go home tonight....it will be light! Yay!