Sunday, March 15, 2009

Brownies and Peanutbutter Cookies: The Recipe

As promised to my listening audience!
Katherine Hepburn Brownies
Preheat oven to 325 degrees
in medium sized saucepan, melt (low heat)
one stick of butter (no substitutes recommended)
two squares of Chocolate
I personally always use the cocoa and oil breakdown for this... is better for you and it is cheaper:-)
so, that would be 6Tablespoons of dark cocoa & 2Tablespoons of oil (whatever you prefer)
remove from heat once melted
1Cup sugar
beat in:
2 eggs
1/2teaspoon vanilla
stir this!
1/4 flour
1/2teaspoon salt
1 cup walnuts (if you want:-)

spread in 8X8 well-greased pan
bake40-45minutes (your preference)
cool...if you can wait!
these are the best brownies ever~guaranteed raves!
with a scoop of Guernsey's ice cream on top: divine

Page 142 Peanut Butter Cookies

so easy! I always double it~
preheat the oven to 350 degrees

1Cup white sugar
1Cup brown sugar
1 Cup shortening ( butter-flavored Crisco) 1 stick
2 well-beaten eggs
2Cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 Cup peanut butter

mix all the ingredients with your electric mixer, beginning with the shortening and sugar
add the eggs, soda, salt & vanilla
here is the BIG trick for really yummy PB cookies,I learned this from a precious woman named Leona...warm the peanut butter (microwave is fine)
add the flour and the peanut butter

use an ice cream scoop to make the forming of the cookie, then, "crest" the dough while it is on the pan before it goes into the oven (that helps to make them soft on the inside and a little crispy around the edge)
bake for about 10 minutes (or until done:-)

let it sit a for a few minutes on the cookie sheet before you put on a cooling rack
use two spatulas, one to slide under, the other to guide
use a spoon to scoop some semi-sweet chocolate bits, and push down in the center, leaving the bits to melt while on the cooling rack
when the cookie is cool, use the bottom end of the spoon to smooth it out
when I bake these, I always do some w/ and some w/o the bits
They are decadent!