Monday, January 11, 2010

Lose your job? From a listener...

Email comments: Robin,I wanted to let you know how God used you to bless me last week. I was fired from my job Friday afternoon (first time that's ever happened to me) and without going into all the minutia of details I'll just say that I was at home around 6pm waiting for my wife to get home from work - I couldn't even call her to tell her because my company poorly shut down my work email account and wiped my entire personal iPhone making it inoperable. When I got home I thought - I just want to hear some Christian music so I turned WMUZ on. As I waited for her to come home, and hurting from just getting fired, I just bowed my head and prayed asking God to just show me he's there and that he loves me. While I was praying that, you were talking about something on air (that I didn't pay attention to because I was praying) but right when I finished, opened my eyes, and began listening to you again, you said:
", God wants you to know that he's listening to you, he hears you, and he loves you".
It's such a blessing to hear God speak right to us through his people at times. Thanks for being a blessing and allowing God to use you. God bless…